Monday, March 3, 2014


i like the idea of challenges challenging my ideas and where withalls. it gives me an impetus a reason a guide a focus. sure someone else is telling me what to do but not as an oppressive authoritarian but more of like a singsay(sp). go do this and you will have that in the end. so i go and do that and have that in the end. novemeber i did nanowrimo and left the month with a 50k word YA novel. not too shabby. december was xmas time so all bets are off. january i was working on my other novel trying to rewrite it from a women's fiction which i made it halfway through. february was FAWM,(February Album Writing Month) where you write 14 songs in one month. i did 18 and all fully produced. not too shabby. so now i'm hooked. i like a good challenge and it gets me doing artistic stuff which is where its at for me. i have looking into the next challenge, 100 sketches in 100 days is tempting as i used to be an artist when i was a child and have been itiching to get back to it. blogging is something else i have tried yet so her it is , my first blog. i'm going to do the march challenge for blogher nanblopomo. 


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